The Recipe to Transform and Modernize your IT Operating Model


The Open Group has recently released version 3.0 of the IT4IT standard. The IT4IT standard is a real game changer to transform and modernize your IT operating model – enabling IT teams to deliver faster with better quality and reduced risk. 

Learn how the IT4IT standard can help you to shape and mature your IT management capabilities and to streamline and automate IT value streams.

Transforming into a digital organization requires a strong digital management platform, consisting of the right people, IT processes, IT management tools and data. But what is even more important: how to connect all these components together to create flow across your IT value streams. Instead of optimizing and improving the parts, focus on improving the IT management system as a whole. Today most organizations lack an integrated management platform, but rather have a siloed and fragmented process and tooling landscape, and as a result we lack end-to-end visibility and traceability (of value delivered, costs, risks, etc.). 

Key topics on the agenda:

  • What is the IT4IT standard from The Open Group? Why do I need this to create a modern digital management platform?
  • What value streams do you need in a modern digital operating model?
  • How can I use the IT4IT standard to transform and modernize my IT organization? 
  • How can I combine key practices such as ITIL 4, DevOps and Agile Development into an integrated Digital Operating Model? 
  • How to embed security, risk and compliance into your IT delivery model? 
  • How is IT4IT used by organizations (both in public as private sector)? Where to start my own IT4IT journey? 

So, are you looking for an approach that can help you to transform and mature your entire IT organization? Reduce risks and costs? Delivery faster? Boost IT performance?  Then, this webinar is for you !

Presented by Rob Akershoek

Rob Akershoek is senior IT Management / DevOps architect at DXC and Co-Chair of the IT4IT
Forum within The Open Group. He helps IT organizations to transform to become a lean and agile
service provider, ready to manage the new digital ecosystem consisting of a hybrid cloud and multi-
vendor sourcing landscape.
He is architecting the new IT organization combining standards, practices, and concepts such as the
IT4IT standard, TOGAF, Scaled Agile Frameworks (such as SAFe), Agile Development, SCRUM,
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), DevOps and Continuous Delivery, Security Management with
established IT service management methodologies (such as ITIL). He assists IT organizations in
their IT automation journey covering the entire IT value chain including portfolio management, the
DevOps toolchain including CI/CD, test management, monitoring and event management, risk and
security management, ITSM, CMDB, cloud orchestration, etc.
Rob Akershoek is author of numerous articles and author the IT4IT management guide (managing
the business of IT).

For more information about Rob Akershoek visit:
– YouTube channel:
– LinkedIn:
– Twitter:

Rob has been working for various organizations on their digital management journey including:
– Financial and insurance industry: ING, ABN AMRO, Rabobank, NN group, Royal London,
– Energy: Shell (over 10 years of engagement)
– Industry and Manufacturing: Siemens, Philips, Tata Steel
– Telecommunication: Vodafone, KPN
– Government: Tax Services (in The Netherlands), various local governments

Whatever practice you use for change, you will most likely fail, unless…


itSMF Belgium welcomes you to this ONSITE thought-provoking, hands-on Masterclass.

When : Tuesday 14/02, doors open from 13:30.

  • Masterclass part 1 : 14:00-17:30 (thought-provoking)
  • Dinner
  • Masterclass part 2 : 18:30-20:00 (hands-on).

Where : At the premises of our Silver sponsor CTG Belgium, Culliganlaan 1D, 1831 Diegem

Registration : For this event, we charge €50 for itSMF members, €125 for non-members.

Email and he will provide the account number. Your registration is accepted after the deposit of the amount due.  Registration closes on 8/2

* Curious what a parakeet and this masterclass have in common? Register and find out.

What can you expect?

We all know organizational change is inevitable. We all know that adequately managing the ‘people factor’ is crucial for your change initiative. What many struggle with is the ‘how’ of change, when it comes to ‘people and their behavior’. Not understanding behavior is one of the main reasons for failing change initiatives.

This two-part masterclass will explain some of the fundamentals you need to understand in order to improve your success rate for organizational change. In part one, I will explain some key working principles, and pitfalls to avoid, around behavior and behavioral change. You will see how behavior, Service Management and agility are linked. In the second part of the masterclass you will practice what you have learned. Looking forward to meeting you!

All participants will receive the OBM ‘An introduction’ book. Signing by the author is possible.

Robert den Broeder

“Modern management practices and management philosophies all emphasize the importance of behavior and behavioral change in improvement and transformation processes.

I would like to connect to what best practices and management philosophies all emphasize:
“Service delivery, change and performance improvements are mainly about people’s behavior!”

Robert den Broeder (1963) has a background in IT and service management.

After completing his college education in Alkmaar in 1989, he worked in various roles and (interim) positions in various companies and organizations.

Robert has been providing training courses and workshops in the field of service management since 1999. In 2007, Robert founded his first company Trigono B.V.

In 2019, he started the company OBM Dynamics B.V. with associate and friend Joost Kerkhofs.

Robert is author of the book: Organizational Behavior Management, an introduction, and the developer of the OBM Foundation training course.

He also has a number of service management publications to his credit and has co-authored ‘VeriSM™, a service management approach for the digital age.’

Robert enjoys delivering lectures and workshops in the field of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM).

How do you stay relevant in an ever changing world where digital takes over? Is there still room for personal experiences and relations? How do you manage these experiences at scale? And how do you grow your business from there? During this keynote, Tom talks about his endavours at different organizations, small and large, on their challenges in becoming more customer centric. From finding new digital business models and assessing their impact, to defining a working customer experience methodology at scale. Get ready to discover the road beyond digital commerce, towards true customer-driven digital services and business.

Speaker: Tom Devos

Tom Devos (34) is a tech entrepreneur and digital experience architect. He is passionate about guiding organizations towards a human-friendly organizational culture, managing the end-to-end digital experience across all products, services and touch points.

In the last few years, Tom has guided some exciting organisations in their digital experience transformation such as Baloise, Selecta, Sereni, Pelican Rouge, Elaisa Energetic Wellness, …

In all his endeavours, Tom carries a mission to use digital for good, to leave a tiny positive impact towards a more sustainable society.

MEMBERS ONLY OFFERING conference in Belgium
Our sponsor Van Haren provides us to the Minimalist Project Management Conference. Both
national and international project management experts will speak about the increasing complexity
of projects and project management methods and how project managers can deal with this.
A serious line-up of speakers will provide you with the latest Project Management insights.
More information can be found here:

Some details:
When : 28/10, starting at 09:00.
Where : Leuven
Registration : check out the website. Normal price is €65.

OFFERING thanks to Van Haren: 10 first itSMF members who email us (eddy at , get their ticket for FREE.

Growing numbers of companies are coming to recognize the benefits of managing customer experience:
higher revenues, lower costs, and stronger employee and customer loyalty. Also within the field of
Service Management the focus is shifting from SLA’s towards more end-user experience oriented
objectives. Our IT organisations are confronted with the question of how relevant their current SLA
metrics are in driving improved customer satisfaction and service experience. Key to this topic are
Experience Level Agreements, standing for Experience Level Agreements. Although the word may sound
familiar to you, the concept of Experience Level Agreement also raises a lot of questions: What’s an
Experience Level Agreement? What is the difference with an SLA? How do you build an Experience Level
Agreement and how do you measure them?
In this practice-oriented webinar 2Grips shares his knowledge and experience with you. After a clear
definition of the Experience Level Agreement concept, we take a deep dive into a possible step-by-step
plan for building these Agreements. By using practical examples we will guide you on your way to
working with Experience Level Agreements.

Speaker: Danny Van Vosselen

Danny Van Vosselen
Danny Van Vosselen is the CEO and co-founder of 2Grips, a Belgian-Dutch company specialised in
Service Management. He started his career 30 years ago in various roles before becoming self-employed
in his specialisation of IT service management in 2006. After a few years and name changes, 2Grips was
As a consultant, Danny has assisted both large and small private companies, public authorities and
educational institutions like the Province of East-Flanders and the University of Hasselt. Characteristic of
his approach is his strong focus on the human factor and his attention to attitudes, behaviour and
culture. Don’t hesitate to contact him for a good chat about his passion for service management.

Do you want to experience how to introduce flow into this adventure? Organisational flow?

Subscribe and experience yourself how to make it work as a team, supervised by none other than Paul Wilkinson.

Experience being agile!

This ONSITE event will be hosted at our Silver Sponsor CTG Belgium.

Place to be : Culliganlaan 1D Diegem on the 3rd floor.

itSMF Belgium is pleased to have attracted Daniel Breston.

He will provide insights on how measuring can support flow.

The topics addressed will be:

OKR: Outcome or Objective Key to Results

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

Confused on which to use? Do you need both?

Is the One Metric To Rule Them All (OMTRTA)?

How do you get a measure that turns the invisible into the visible?

The session will be short because Daniel will spend time answering questions and collaborating on metrics that matter. After all, all KEY measures should be agreed, not enforced.

Bio: Daniel Breston

After 50 years of being or managing every conceivable role in IT, including CIO, he is heading towards retirement (his way of doing things). Daniel now facilitates challenging discussions and workshops for teams that want to benefit from technology methods (Shiny New Things) and needs a way to begin that journey. Daniel is also on the board of itSMFUK, [] helping others share their stories.

Onze sponsor 2Grips organiseert zijn jaarlijks ‘Get to Grips’-event op 9 juni.
Zoals elk jaar komen boeiende en inspirerende onderwerpen aan bod.

Als itSMF België kunnen we dit Nederlandstalig event ten zeerste aanbevelen.

2Grips heet u van harte welkom tijdens het jaarlijkse Get to Grips event.

Get to Grips is een jaarlijks event georganiseerd door 2Grips voor iedereen die mee wil zijn met de nieuwste trends en ontwikkelingen in de wereld van Service Management. Elk jaar gaan we op zoek naar boeiende onderwerpen en gepassioneerde sprekers om u zo een leerrijke en inspirerende namiddag te kunnen aanbieden. Het Get to Grips event brengt een unieke combinatie van netwerken en kennis delen voor C-level management.

Thema Get to Grips 2022: Personalised Service Excellence

Service Management leeft! De komst van ITIL4 en concepten als co-creatie en waarderstromen, de toegenomen aandacht voor Customer (en Employee) Experience en het streven naar klantgerichte dienstverlening niet enkel door IT maar organisatiebreed (ESM), zijn maar enkele van de trends van de voorbije jaren.

Tegelijkertijd is er echter de continue druk om kosten te besparen, efficiënter te werken en diensten schaalbaar te maken en dus te standaardiseren en automatiseren.

Maar hoe vallen gestandaardiseerde en geautomatiseerde diensten te rijmen met een persoonlijke en excellente ervaring van de dienstverlening? En hoe ga als interne of externe dienstverlener hiermee om terwijl je vaak vanuit bepaalde structuren met vastliggende processen en beperkte hulpmiddelen werkt? Excellente dienstverlening is immers persoonsgebonden en uniek voor elke gebruiker, afhankelijk van zijn specifieke noden en wensen, van zijn individuele werkomgeving, zijn eigen taken en verantwoordelijkheden.

Met de komst op de werkvloer van Generatie Y, geboren eind jaren ’90 begin 2000 en opgegroeid in een ‘on-demand’ economie en met op en top gepersonaliseerde dienstverlening door de bol.coms en Spotify’s van deze wereld, wordt het hoog tijd om onze deze vragen te stellen. Tijdens ons jaarlijkse Get to Grips event gaan wij alvast dieper in op de elementen die een cruciale rol spelen in het realiseren van persoonlijke dienstverlening…

For more information and registration, please go to

In the early 1980s service marketing emerged as a separate field of study side by side with the development of ITIL. But for some reason the two never met. While service marketing focused on the consumer’s role in the service consumption processes and especially the encounter between the consumer and the service, ITIL was focusing on service provision and the service provider’s processes and practices. However, it is never too late to catch up. With the ITIL 4 Drive Stakeholder Value publication the two finally met and sweet music filled the heart. The publication combines the best of both worlds and provides practical guidance on how to co-create value through close engagement. Explore the customer journey step by step and get practical advise on how to:

–          Understand value propositions

–          Foster relationships and engage with stakeholders

–          Shape demand and design service offerings

–          Align and agree on expectations

–          Onboard customers and users

–          Co-create service experiences, and

–          Realize value

Also, engage in the discussion about to which degree these insights are relevant to internal IT organizations and how they relate to a decade where product orientation is king.

Biography: (pic attached) Christian F. Nissen has 35 years of experience in the IT domain, especially with IT service management, IT governance and Information Security. He is recognized as an international thought leader, author and lecturer, but also as an experienced and down-to-earth practitioner striving to make things happen in real life. He has a long proven track record from consulting of more than 150 of the largest private and public organizations in Denmark. He has contributed to the development of both ITIL® and COBIT® best practice, and most recent he is the lead author of the “ITIL® 4 Drive Stakeholder Value” publication.

For software testing, there is the challenge of literally going beyond the boundaries of test environments to validate the customer experience. What does this exactly mean? To what extent can the term “subjectivity” help us in this journey?
And if possible, how can we align this with factual reporting as we are used to in testing and IT service management through SLAs.

This session will provide some answers on value assurance from the angle of software testing.


For more than 24 years Wim Demey has been active in software testing and has evolved to a generalist covering different aspects and roles within testing.
Driven by versatility and a great eagerness to learn new things, Wim is always looking how and where he can stretch his comfort zone to manage new challenges. This fits perfectly with his role as Solution Architect Testing for CTG Belgium. In this role he supports & advices customers about their testing related challenges. He has a special interest in technical topics like performance testing, test management tools and AI.
Wim is a regular speaker at (inter)national test conferences & seminars.