itSMF België is verheugd jullie uit te nodigen voor de eerste workshop van 2024 met Dr. Hermina Van Coillie.

Het thema borduurt verder op haar avondsessie ”Motiveren zonder controleren” van 2023.

Maar deze keer gaan we een pak dieper. En meer nog, het wordt zeer praktisch.
In deze interactieve workshop gaan we samen heel concreet aan de slag met jouw case!

We gebruiken de principes van één van de meest revolutionaire theorieën van deze eeuw en vertalen ze naar concrete tools en handvaten.

Deze workshop gaat door op 28/2 in de lokalen van CTG in Diegem, onze Silver Sponsor.

De deuren gaan open vanaf 13:30. De workshop start om 14:00 en loopt tot 20:00 met tussendoor de nodige pauzes en dinner.
Voor itSMF België leden is de workshop prijs €75.
Niet leden zijn ook welkom.

De prijs van €250 omvat 1 jaar lidmaatschap.

Interesse? Stuur een email naar met in het subject ‘workshop Hermina’.

U krijgt dan de nodige details voor de betaling. Je deelname is formeel na de storting.

We starten de workshop met jouw concrete uitdaging of ambitie, en nemen die de hele namiddag mee.

In deze workshop is alles welkom.
● Waar loop jij op vast?
● Wie wil je nog meer motiveren?
○ Iemand die niet goed presteert? Iemand waarvan je weet dat die meer kan?
○ Jezelf?
● Wie krijg je niet in beweging?
○ Een collega? Je baas? Een klant? Een medewerker? Een leverancier?
● Wil je een nieuwe teamstructuur implementeren waarin mensen nieuwe rollen moeten opnemen?
Je wandelt naar buiten met heel wat extra bagage om niet alleen jezelf, maar ook je collega’s, je klanten en zelfs je kinderen en partner op een kwalitatief hoogwaardige manier te motiveren!

Zonder dat je druk hoeft te zetten, zonder schuldinductie, of zonder dat je ze hiervoor hoeft te belonen. Maar vanuit vertrouwen.

Om het theorerisch kader mee te geven, krijg je, naast de uiteenzetting tijdens de workshop, ook het handboek “Motiveren zonder Controleren”, geschreven door Hermina en prof. Dr. Anja van den Broeck.


Hermina Van Coillie

Dr. Hermina Van Coillie is motivatie-expert, senior consultant en zaakvoerder bij Flourish. Ze begeleidt al jaren teams, leidinggevenden en organisaties, en brengt hen, dankzij de basisprincipes van ZDT (zelfdeterminatietheorie) en verbindende communicatie, naar hun optimaal niveau van functioneren. Niet alleen de medewerkers en leidinggevenden bloeien hierdoor open, maar ook de organisaties en hun klanten plukken de vruchten van haar aanpak.
Hermina Van Coillie doctoreerde in 2004 aan de KU Leuven (Kwantitatieve en Persoonlijkheid Psychologie) en werkte nog twee jaar als postdoctoraal onderzoeker aan de Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen, waar haar focus lag op individuele verschillen in de beleving van emoties.
Ze werkte veertien jaar als onderzoeksexpert in het Securex studiecentrum, waar ze tal van white papers, rapporten, persberichten en wetenschappelijke artikels schreef en vaak opdook in de nationale en regionale pers. Haar onderzoeksthema’s zijn vergrijzing en langer werken, burn-out, welzijn, mobiliteit, flexibiliteit, tijds- en plaatsonafhankelijk werken, werkverslaving, work-life-balance, verloning en leiderschap. Telkens legt ze de link met ZDT.
Ze is een veelgevraagd spreekster en geeft vaak lezingen, workshops, trainingen, gastcolleges en masterclasses over haar onderzoeksthema’s. Ze doceert zowel aan de
KULeuven als in verschillende HRM-postgraduaatopleidingen (Ehsal Management School, HOGENT, Arteveldehogeschool). Ze is ook lid van de Adviesraad van het Leuven Mindfulness Centre .

Training proposed by our Silver sponsor CTG 

Explore Management 3.0, a mindset accompanied by a dynamic toolkit of games and tools designed for actionable leadership. Break free from theoretical complexities and discover practical solutions for enhancing collaboration and productivity. With a focus on managing the system, not the people, Management 3.0 provides concrete advice for everyday challenges. Join the workshop(s) for hands-on experiences, engaging conversations, and leave equipped with tools like Kudo Cards and Delegation Poker. Transform your approach to management and foster positive change within your team and organization.

How to register:

Trainer BIO:

With nearly two decades of experience in the field, my journey in project management and Agile practices has been a continuous evolution. As a Project Manager, I recognized the importance of fostering collaboration and efficient delivery. In 2010, my exploration led me to embrace Agile frameworks, marking a significant turning point in my approach to project management.

As my passion for Agile practices grew, I naturally transitioned into the roles of Scrum Master and Agile Coach. This journey allowed me to seamlessly integrate Agile principles into diverse projects, driving successful outcomes. Today, I take pride in contributing to the Agile community and continuously expanding my expertise.

To open the event calendar for 2024, itSMF Belgium is delighted to have attracted Bert Fabry. He will dive into the human psychology and how it can make or break changes.

When : 30/01 from 18:00 – 19:00 (ish) CET
              Our digital doors open from 17:55 onwards.

Where : Virtual, on a device of your choosing.

Registration : Free for both members and non-members.


In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, change is the only constant. But why do some change initiatives succeed while others falter? The answer may lie in our understanding of human psychology. In this enlightening session, we’ll delve deep into the brain’s architecture to uncover the subconscious motivators that drive resistance to change. Using relatable anecdotes and real-world scenarios, we’ll explore the concept of the ‘righting reflex,’ an instinctive urge to correct others’ behavior, and its counterproductive effects in change management. We’ll then introduce the revolutionary approach of Motivational Interviewing (MI), originally a clinical psychology technique, as a powerful tool for leading change initiatives. Participants will learn the practical technique of ‘reflective listening,’ part of MI, to foster genuine connections and facilitate change. Through a blend of neuroscience, psychology, and firsthand experiences, this session will equip you with the skills to not just manage change but to champion it.

Learning outcomes:

1) Understand what makes change so hard for people

2) Grasp why interactions around change often force people into a deadlock situation and how to avoid these pitfalls

3) Understand how coaching for change is not about forcing/manipulating towards compliance

Bio speaker:

A passionate advocate for empathic leadership with a diverse background in the arts, technology, and international development. Overcame personal battles with illness by drawing strength from adversity.

“As an IT consultant, coach, and Agile enthusiast, I now use my decades of broad knowledge to transform employee development. From Belgian theaters to Central African IT projects, I believe that authentic connection, continual learning, and embracing vulnerability are the keys to redefining success. When I’m not championing change, I’m in the kitchen creating culinary delights or weaving epic tales as a long-time tabletop roleplaying game master and storyteller.”

This is the continuation of the serries: The V.A.L.U.E. Formula with Ken Wendle.

Session #6
• when:  7th December, at 5 pm (CET)/4 pm (UK time)
• length: 60 – 90 minutes
• platform: Teams Meeting
• Want to participate? Email for your ticket.
• Sponsor: itSMF Slovenia

Session 6: The Secret Sauce is Execution: Getting things done.

Popular culture is full of references to execution
Yoda: “Do or do not. There is no try.”
Rocky: “Go for it!”
Nike: “Just do it!”
Jean Luc Picard: “Make it so, number 1!”

Simply put, Execution is the art of getting things done.
Why, then, does “getting things done” seem so difficult at times?
You seem to be making progress when all of a sudden so many things just get in the way!
Extracted from Ken’s exciting new book, “The VALUE Formula” – which provides a
fundamental model to help organizations maximize value – this session focuses on the critical
value component of “Execution”.
This insightful, entertaining and interactive presentation explores the following topics:

The value component of Execution:
o What is it?
o Why is it important?

Getting rid of what gets in the way:
o Purging Poisonous Politics
o It comes back to Vision
o Proper Prioritization

A Process for Execution
o The “4 Disciplines”

“Execution is THE great unaddressed issue in the business world today.”
–Ram Charan

Presented by Ken Wendle

About Ken…

Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Ken is a catalyst for higher performance, better results and greater
In addition to his highly acclaimed book, “The VALUE Formula”, Ken has written numerous business
articles. He has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has delivered his unique insights as a keynote and
featured speaker around the world. His energetic, humorous, entertaining, pragmatic, informative,
insightful, and topical presentations consistently earn the highest praise.
Throughout his award-winning career – which includes two Lifetime Achievement Awards – Ken has made a
powerful, positive impact working with and within

This is the continuation of the serries: The V.A.L.U.E. Formula with Ken Wendle.

Session #5
• when:  9th November, at 5 pm (CET)/4 pm (UK time)
• length: 60 – 90 minutes
• platform: Teams Meeting
• Want to participate? Email for your ticket.
• Sponsor: itSMF Czech Republic

Session 5: Discover your Uniqueness, Increase your Value

You may have heard this before, but there is truly no one on this planet who is EXACTLY like you. Nor is there another organization which is EXACTLY like yours. The resources and capabilities that you possess—individually or organizationally— may be similar to those of others, but the combination of these is completely unique to you.

Sally Hogshead, author of the book “Fascinate” says, “Different is better than ‘better is better.”
And being “different” – your uniqueness – is a cornerstone to your value proposition.

Extracted from Ken’s exciting new book, “The VALUE Formula” – which provides a
fundamental model to help organizations maximize value – this session focuses on the value
component of “Uniqueness” and explores the following topics:
– The value component of Uniqueness: What is it, why is it important?
– How uniqueness differentiates and increases your Value
– How uniqueness supports alignment to your Value Vision
– People and Culture – two key facets of your uniqueness
– Other facets of uniqueness

Joining this session might just make a “difference” in your career.

Presented by Ken Wendle

About Ken…

Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Ken is a catalyst for higher performance, better results and greater
In addition to his highly acclaimed book, “The VALUE Formula”, Ken has written numerous business
articles. He has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has delivered his unique insights as a keynote and
featured speaker around the world. His energetic, humorous, entertaining, pragmatic, informative,
insightful, and topical presentations consistently earn the highest praise.
Throughout his award-winning career – which includes two Lifetime

itSMF Belgium is pleased to bring Mark Smalley (again) on our virtual stage to share thoughts and
present his latest Reflections book on XLA.

As usual in these type of events, there will be a raffle of 5 books amongst our participating itSMF
Belgium members.

When : 30/11@18:00 CET
Where : On your digital device
Registration for this virtual event will open soon.

Mark Smalley has been involved in the XLA domain for about five years and has written a book with
his reflections on a contentious topic. The book is for people who are concerned about the effect of
IT services on people and their business. It shares thoughts on what some see as a hype, and others
as a call to action.
Do you believe that people’s emotional well-being is affected by IT services, that the IT industry has
much to answer for, and that people deserve better? Do you feel morally obliged to act but don’t
know what to do next? If so, then Reflections on XLA might get you started.
Afterall, XLA is an integral part of IT service management.

Mark Smalley, also known as The IT Paradigmologist, helps IT people understand service. People
collaborate with Mark to discover where they are and to visualize where they want to be. Mark is a
writer, speaker and coach at Smalley.IT and has contributed to the professional development of
digital and IT service management in more than thirty countries.

itSMF Belgium is pleased to introduce Pieter Boutens. He will take us into Spiral Dynamics and how it
relates in IT. Not sure what Spiral Dynamics is. Check out :
This event will be ONSITE.
Location : Office of CTG Belgium, Culliganlaan 1D in 1831 Diegem.
Free access for paying members.
Non-members can participate paying €50
Doors will open from 17:30 onwards.
Drinks and food will be foreseen.
After the event, there is time for networking.

Thanks to entrepreneurship and courage, we, as humanity, have risen from the dark ages to a level of
knowledge and development unheard of before in history. And the world is evolving faster and
faster. Science and technology are key drivers. The effect in our professional lives is clear. In most
economic sectors, it is no longer sufficient to just keep doing what one has always done. Change is
the buzz-word. Communication, problem-solving and decision-making have become crucial skills for
(IT-) professionals to navigate the ever-changing technological landscape.
Meanwhile, the downside of this evolution is also becoming very visible. Increasing number of burn
outs, depressions, widening gap between haves and have nots, polarisation in society, pressure on
our environment,… Clearly, we are hitting a limit.
And then the question arises: in what direction should we, as individuals, companies or society,
proceed to take the next step in our evolution? And will technology help us do so, or does it actually
pose a threat?
This talk uses the Spiral Dynamics model to logically frame the evolution of human thinking to date
and the effect of this thinking on technology and society. Spiral Dynamics describes different stages
of human development and consciousness, each represented by a specific color code. Each stage has
its unique characteristics, values, and ways of thinking. And each stage can be recognised in our
(professional) lives. The model can be used to analyse conflict situations and determine the best way
to move forward. Specific to the IT sector, the following questions can be answered:

  • How can IT leaders deal with resistance to change from a Spiral Dynamics perspective?
  • How can IT teams collaborate and communicate effectively.
  • How can awareness of Spiral Dynamics contribute to personal growth and leadership
    development within IT. How can IT leaders become more effective leaders by considering the
    diversity of thought patterns and values in their teams?
  • How can Spiral Dynamics contribute to a more ethical and sustainable approach to
    technology development and IT projects.
  • What about AI? The next step for humanity or the destruction of our species?
    For IT professionals, understanding these different levels of consciousness can have several benefits:
  • Communication: Recognizing the diversity of thought patterns can improve communication
    and collaboration within teams.
  • Adaptability: Being aware of various problem-solving approaches allows professionals to
    adapt their strategies based on the specific context.
  • Conflict Resolution: Understanding different values and motivations can aid in resolving
    conflicts more effectively.
  • Long-term Vision: Taking a more holistic perspective can lead to more sustainable and
    future-proof decision-making.

By acknowledging and appreciating the various levels of consciousness, IT professionals can approach
problem-solving and decision-making with a broader understanding, leading to more effective
outcomes and a better work environment.

Pieter Boutens is an economist by training (TEW -KU Leuven). He started his career as an accountant and quickly advanced to the position of manager. He now has a quarter of a century of management experience, first in Finance, IT and administration, then in logistics and sales. For the past 4 years, he has been working as a financial manager and board member in a non-profit organisation. He is also board member at the trade association Federgon.

In addition to his economic background, Pieter became a master in NLP and in transpersonal coaching and counselling. He also holds the diploma of mediator and a black belt in Lean-Six Sigma.  In recent years, Pieter became proficient in the applications of the Spiral Dynamics model, on which he has been giving guest lectures since 2019.

This is the continuation of the serries: The V.A.L.U.E. Formula with Ken Wendle.

Session #4

When: 19th October, at 5 pm (CEST)/4 pm (UK time) 

Length: 90 minutes 

Get your seat by emailing, with in the subject ‘session 4’.

He will provide the link to the teams event.

Leverage your way to greater VALUE!

If you don’t understand leverage, you’re probably working too hard.
As Archimedes, the great ancient mathematician, physicist and inventor put it, “Give me
a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”
This insightful, pragmatic and entertaining session focuses this often misunderstood
and too rarely applied component of “The VALUE Formula” and explores the
following topics:
– A review of “The VALUE Formula” model
– The component of Leverage:
o What is it?
o Why is it so important?
– How Leverage can augment and multiply your Value
– How Leverage supports alignment to your Value Vision
– Four key facets of Leverage

Join this enlightening session to learn how to get focused on your value.

Sponsored by : itSMF Belgium

Presented by Ken Wendle

About Ken…

Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Ken is a catalyst for higher performance, better results and greater
In addition to his highly acclaimed book, “The VALUE Formula”, Ken has written numerous business
articles. He has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has delivered his unique insights as a keynote and
featured speaker around the world. His energetic, humorous, entertaining, pragmatic, informative,
insightful, and topical presentations consistently earn the highest praise.
Throughout his award-winning career – which includes two Lifetime Achievement Awards – Ken has made a
powerful, positive impact working with and within many organizations in various capacities.
The recently introduced VALUE Formula I 3 Workshop leads teams and organizations through a deeper
dive into the concepts create a roadmap to maximize value.

itSMF Belgium is pleased to propose David Billouz as our September guest.

He will elaborate on this book he recently published.
And for our paying members, there will be a book raffle!

When : Thursday 21/09/2023 @ 17:30
Where : Virtual
Entrance fee : FREE

This presentation gives an overview of the ITSM Value Streams that help any organizations
identifying the IT Management objectives, the impediments that prevent these objectives to
be fulfilled and the use of value streams to address these impediments.
This presentation also describes the main steps to create an ITSM value stream using existing
resources such as ITSM processes guides and frameworks.

David Billouz is a certified ITIL Master with more than 20 years of passion and
engagement in ITSM. For instance, he was the first VP of the itSMF Czech Republic
in 2006. He is a former ITIL Ambassador for AXELOS. After experiences in
corporates such as Renault, IBM or KPMG he founded OCIRIS GLOBAL and
delivers trainings, assessments and consultancy services in ITIL, PRINCE2, Agile
and DevOps. He is the author of the periodic table of ITSM processes, co-author of
the ITIL4 publication on IT Asset Management and the ITSM Value Streams book.-

This is the continuation of the serries: The V.A.L.U.E. Formula with Ken Wendle.

Session #3

When: 14th September,at 5 pm (CEST)/4 pm (UK time)

Length: 90 minutes 

Alignment: Let’s get focused!

Do your team’s efforts ever feel scattered and unfocused? 
Do you know what you want to accomplish but seem to get sidetracked too easily?
Focus can be challenging, to say the least.  The answer is Alignment.
This session focuses on the critical component of “Alignment”.  Consistent alignment of available
capabilities and resources with the stakeholder value proposition is at the core of any strategy and,
ultimately, successful execution.
This insightful, pragmatic and entertaining presentation explores the following topics:
– A review of “The VALUE Formula” model
– The component of Alignment:
o What is it?
o Why is it so important?
– Four critical aspects of Alignment
o Alignment to Vision
o Alignment to Customers
o Alignment to Core Values
o Alignment of Activity
– Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin’ aligned, stayin’ aligned!

Join this enlightening session to learn how to get focused on your value.

About Ken…

Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Ken is a catalyst for higher performance, better results and greater
In addition to his highly acclaimed book, “The VALUE Formula”, Ken has written numerous business
articles. He has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has delivered his unique insights as a keynote and
featured speaker around the world. His energetic, humorous, entertaining, pragmatic, informative,
insightful, and topical presentations consistently earn the highest praise.
Throughout his award-winning career – which includes two Lifetime Achievement Awards – Ken has made a
powerful, positive impact working with and within many organizations in various capacities.
The recently introduced VALUE Formula I 3 Workshop leads teams and organizations through a deeper
dive into the concepts create a roadmap to maximize value.

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