Open Management masterclass – Tuesday 2/5, doors open from 13:30 CET
itSMF Belgium is excited to welcome you to our next masterclass on ‘Open Management’ with guest
speakers Rob England and Dr. Cherry Vu.
Where : Onsite at the premise of CTG Belgium, Culliganlaan 1D 1831 Diegem
When : Tuesday 2/5, doors open from 13:30 CET
Part 1: 14:00 – 17:45
Part 2: 18:30 – 20:00
Opportunity to further network with Rob England and Dr. Cherry Vu after the masterclass.
Registration : Email , with ‘OM Masterclass in the subject’ and he will provide the
account number. Your registration is accepted after the deposit of the amount due.
Registration closes on Tuesday 25/04
For members, the fee is €75.
For non-members, the fee is €250, which includes 1 year itSMF Belgium membership.
What can you expect?
This workshop is for anyone interested in the better ways of managing and working that Teal
Unicorn call Open Work, with a focus on managing work. We have great success with Open Work . We focus on management because that is the key to
unlocking change in how you work. We call it Open Management, better ways of managing.
There is a lot to cover in a short time so we will touch lightly on a few key topics:
An introduction to our work: what we achieve and how.
What better work looks like: we summarise it as Human Systems Adaptability.
The concepts we introduce to management to make it possible: summarised as invitation,
inspiration, inversion, and transparency.
You can explore the subject ahead of the workshop on the Teal Unicorn website, deep dive here, or for a more concise set of ideas read here .
You will take away
– the concepts that invert conventional thinking about work and management the underlying ideas that restore humanity to work and open us up to a VUCA world
– patterns and techniques to explore Open Management in your workplace
– directions for your own personal development
All participants will receive an ‘Open’ book. Signing by the authors is possible during networking.
About the speakers

Rob England
I stay at the front of real progress in work (and stay away from the woo). I became T-shaped in 1990,
managed an empowered team in 1995, helped found the itSMF in NZ, immersed in DevOps in 2012,
discovered Cynefin in 2013, dived into business agility and teal thinking in 2016, and co-founded the
Business Agility Meetup in Wellington and Vietnam.
As well as the Teal Unicorn work, I also consult, coach, and train on IT ways of working and
managing, including DevOps, ITSM, flow, strategy, governance, practices, and of course
management. [] The most valuable reference of all is when a
client engages me a second time. They usually do. I am an international content provider: speaker;
webinar presenter; writer of blogs, articles, papers
I was a blogger The IT Skeptic []. (now retired)
I am a Certified IT Professional (CITP) and an accredited Member of the NZ Institute of IT
I was awarded the inaugural New Zealand IT Service Management Champion in 2011 by itSMFnz,
and made a Life Member of itSMF in 2017. I am an organiser of Wellington DevOps Meetup, and
founder of WellyBAM (Business Agility Meetup).
I am an acknowledged contributor to the books ITIL4 High Velocity IT, ITIL 2011 Service Strategy, the
Phoenix Project, and the DevOps Handbook, and a lead author of the VeriSM digital framework. I’m
accredited to deliver courses from the DevOps Institute, OpenSpace, and
Dr Cherry Vu
I am an expert on Business Agility and Open Management. I am a consulting professional with a PhD
in Public Policy from Victoria University of Wellington, Master of Public Management from Potsdam,
Germany; and Vietnamese degrees in Law, English, and Culture.
I am an international thought leader in business agility, one of the 100 women making significant
contributions in Lean and Agile spaces across the globe (Lean In Agile “LIA 100”). I am the founder
and President of The Open Management Academy and the founder of Business Agility Vietnam.
I brought the Business Agility and Open Management concepts into Vietnam and am helping the
country’s business community to apply them.