moveIT 2023, by CTG
Thursday 11th May 2023 (PM)
Events Den Berg, Londerzeel
Join us on 11th May and explore with us how you can successfully address challenges related to change and transformation within your company.
CTG Belgium is delighted to announce that we are organizing moveIT 2023, a yearly business event that is open to CTG clients and prospects and that will be organized in the afternoon of Thursday 11th May 2023, from 12.00 to 17.30, at Events Den Berg in Londerzeel.
Efficiency Transformed
This year’s event theme is “Efficiency Transformed“. In today’s world, companies are facing a multitude of challenges that will be drivers for change and transformation. But how do you tackle these? At CTG, we believe focusing on Efficiency will be crucial in answering this question.
What may you expect?
- Conversations, workshops, and talks with CTG experts and partners who will explore different angles of Efficiency. Indeed, automation and tooling are a part of it, but so is the human factor.
- A comprehensive agenda with three parallel tracks in only one afternoon, including two interesting workshops on Impact Mapping and FitSM.
- The latest technology updates from our partners.
- An inspiring keynote speech “Motivate without Control”, by Hermina Van Coillie, Senior Motivation Consultant at Flourish.
- An excellent opportunity to network with other industry professionals, exchange ideas and insights, and learn about the latest trends and developments in our industry.
Go to for programme and registration details
Registration is possible until 5th May 2023.
Please contact Mrs Sofie Dewitte ( for more info.
In collaboration with the following partners:

Thursday 11th May 2023 (PM)
Events Den Berg, Londerzeel