Open Work: A new view on management – 21/03/2023 @ 18:30
This webinar event provides an introduction on Open Management.
Rob will explore how open is different than being agile.What open means in the current organizational dynamics?
If interest is triggered for more, you can subscribe later forMasterclass event on Open Management. This physical event will take place on 2/5. More info will follow.
Open Work is Teal Unicorn’s collective term for all the better ways of working and managing work which are emerging around the world. We believe the concept of “Open” is becoming more important than “Agile”. It is not a framework/model/theory, it is a name for one direction the social wind blows.
To open up to better work, we are opening up the organisation like a flower, letting light and air in, making room to move and grow, exposing the workings, inviting others in, welcoming, creating possibilities, allowing pollination, letting the value out, letting us thrive.
We must be open: open society to higher consciousness; open organisations to greater transparency and inclusion; open teams to collaboration; open individuals to self-examination, honesty, and vulnerability.
In the upcoming masterclass, we will examine how the concept of Open relates to IT. In this webinar, we look at the underlying principles that inform all work, and management of work.
Business bosses are starting to get it, that work and management can be better than the conventional ways. Word is getting through, on several levels:
– the impossibility of managing knowledge workers in conventional ways
– the need for organisational agility as a survival strategy as the world becomes increasingly VUCA
– the demand for stakeholder values over shareholder or customer value.
All three drivers lead us to the same conclusion: Open Work, which we characterise as Human Systems Adaptability:
– Bringing more humanity to work.
– Improving holistic systems.
– Optimising for change.
Presented by Rob England

Rob England
I stay at the front of real progress in work (and stay away from the woo). I became T-shaped in 1990, managed an empowered team in 1995, helped found the itSMF in NZ, immersed in DevOps in 2012, discovered Cynefin in 2013, dived into business agility and teal thinking in 2016, and co-founded the Business Agility Meetup in Wellington and Vietnam.
As well as the Teal Unicorn work, I also consult, coach, and train on IT ways of working and managing, including DevOps, ITSM, flow, strategy, governance, practices, and of course management. [] The most valuable reference of all is when a client engages me a second time. They usually do. I am an international content provider: speaker; webinar presenter; writer of blogs, articles, papers [].
I was a blogger The IT Skeptic []. (now retired)
I am a Certified IT Professional (CITP) and an accredited Member of the NZ Institute of IT Professionals.
I was awarded the inaugural New Zealand IT Service Management Champion in 2011 by itSMFnz, and made a Life Member of itSMF in 2017. I am an organiser of Wellington DevOps Meetup, and founder of WellyBAM (Business Agility Meetup).
I am an acknowledged contributor to the books ITIL4 High Velocity IT, ITIL 2011 Service Strategy, the Phoenix Project, and the DevOps Handbook, and a lead author of the VeriSM digital framework. I’m accredited to deliver courses from the DevOps Institute, OpenSpace, and