Introduction to The VALUE Formula – 07/03/2023 @ 17:00
Platform: MS Teams Length: approx. 1 hour
“What do we want?”
“When do we want it?”
“Focus on Value” is the first of the ITIL 4 guiding principle. From ITIL to Lean to DevOps, the
concept of VALUE is a common thread shared by almost every best practice, standard and
Understanding, focusing upon and improving value is ultimately the most important thing any
product or service organization can do. So why do so few organizations REALLY focus on
This presentation introduces the back-to-basics model, concepts and guidance on how to
maximize your organization’s value explored within the exciting book, “The VALUE
Formula”, by Ken Wendle.
This insightful and entertaining presentation explores and explains the following topics:
– What is value?
– The VALUE Model
oVision: Defining your value
o Alignment: Focusing your value
o Leverage: Augmenting your value
o Uniqueness: Differentiating your value
o Execution: Delivering your value
– Synergy: Everything working. Everything working together.
itSMF Belgium members can register by emailing ‘’ with the subject Value event.
You will be provided with the link to access the webinar.
Non members can also attend.
Register by emailing ‘’ with the subject Value event – non member.
You will receive an bank account number to pay €25
Invoice can be provided, so provide all details required if needed.
After the amount is on the account, you will be provided with the link
Presented by Ken Wendle

About Ken…
Author, Speaker, Facilitator, Ken is a catalyst for higher performance, better results and greater
In addition to his highly acclaimed book, “The VALUE Formula”, Ken has written numerous business
articles. He has been a guest on multiple podcasts and has delivered his unique insights as a keynote and
featured speaker around the world. His energetic, humorous, entertaining, pragmatic, informative,
insightful, and topical presentations consistently earn the highest praise.
Throughout his award-winning career – which includes two Lifetime Achievement Awards – Ken has made a
powerful, positive impact working with and within many organizations in various capacities.
The recently introduced VALUE Formula I 3 Workshop leads teams and organizations through a deeper
dive into the concepts create a roadmap to maximize value.