To be wicked or not, that is the question (A take on Complexity Thinking) – 24.06.2021 @ 5.30PM TO 7.00PM
Speaker: Ilse Van den Berckt (LinkedIn)

Our world is at times complex, sometimes simple, then complicated and every now and then chaotic. And we (try to) live and thrive/survive in it. Did you know you can take this back to your professional life? Did you know that each of these ‘states’ require a different approach to manage it? During this session, Ilse Van den Berckt will elaborate on these different states described in the Cynefin framework
of David Snowden and what their impact is on daily life. Eddy Peters, president of the Belgian itSMF chapter, will connect them to the world of the digital.
One sneak peak of what is to come : if you think you know what holistic comprises, think again…
This event is free for all. Members and non members