Our membership is drawn from a wide cross-section of organisations, including ITSM suppliers and service providers; user organisations; training companies and academia; consultancy, standards and practice bodies; as well as independent professionals.

Globally, the itSMF now boasts over 6000 member companies, blue chip and public sector alike, covering in excess of 40,000 individuals spread over 50+ Chapters.

Our members range from large multinational companies to small firms working across the commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors.

SINCE 1998

itSMF wordwide organization has three decades of experience in Service Management and IT related service management.

Our members range from large multinational companies to small firms working across commercial, public, and not-for-profit sectors, from wide cross-section of organisations, including ITSM suppliers and service providers; user organisations; training companies and academia; consultancy; standards and practices bodies; as well as idenpendent professionals.

Connecting Risk & Compliance with ITSM – 21/03 @11:00 CET (1Hour)

This webinar series aims to connect service management and architectureprofessionals and their communities.Organized by:  itSMF International (https://www.itsmfi.org/) and The Open Group(https://www.opengroup.org/)Platform: Teams Meeting. Contact eddy@itsmf.be for the link of this event.Put „Conneceting risk & Compliance“ in the subject of your email. Length: 1 hour Introduction: This is series of webinars focused on connecting the variousdisciplines […]

Why people resist change and how we can overcome it? – Tuesday 22/04 @18:00

itSMF Belgium is pleased to invite Lucy Grimwade on the virtual scene.On Tuesday 22/04 at 18:00 CET she will share her view on the dynamics between changeand people. A very relevant topic indeed in today’s economic situation. This session explores the psychology behind resistance to change and providespractical strategies to help individuals and organisations navigate […]

Service Integration and Management (SIAM) – 25/09/2025 @ 18:00 CET

itSMF Belgium is pleased to announce Claire Agutter as our event speaker in September.She is a driving force behind Service Integration and Management (SIAM). With her firsthand experience, she has a lot to share. Session outline: Is your organization confident that its IT strategy can support businessneeds both now and in the future? Is your […]

Shift-left & beyond. Thursday 27/02 @ 18:00CET

It is with great pleasure that we can introduce yet another thought provoking session of our sponsor 2GRIPS. This time they will take Shift Left to the next level. As this is a virtual event, seats are free.  Claim it when the registration is opened.The event date is : Thursday 27/02 starting at 18:00CET Description […]

Selling XLA to C-level – 29/01@17:30

The event line-up for 2025 starts strong. It is with great pleasure that we canintroduce a regular on the scene, Mark Smalley.WHEN : Wednesday 29/01 staring at 17:30HOW : Virtually, this makes it a free event to attend. Mark Smalley has done a deep dive in XLA and what the potential challenges are tomake it […]

itSMF Webinar: Connecting Enterprise Architecture and IT Service Management – 8th of November, 11:00 AM

itSMF Webinar: Connecting Enterprise Architecture and IT Service ManagementWhen: Friday, 8th of November, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CET (10:00 AM – 11:00 AM UK time)Why: This webinar series aims to engage service management and architectureprofessionals and their communities. These topics are frequently encountered, especially inlarge companies.Organized by: The Open Group and itSMF International for itSMF […]

Knowledge Management, Why, What, How and Why… Tuesday 26/11 @18h00 CET

Ever wondered why so many people talk about how important information and knowledge sharing is but, when push comes to shove, they don’t actually do anything about it?  What the reason is you feel like repeating the same thing over and over and over again? How comes there are so many different tools and approaches […]


ITSMF BE is a fully inclusive industry forum, actively encouraging the involvement of organisations and individuals that use, provide or support ITSM products and services.

We also relate to service management professionals working beyond the IT sector, and those applying similar best practices to other areas of industry, thus seeking an even wider exchange of views and professional development for everyone.


This year,2023, we will still focus on more afterwork events, which will target the latest developments in ITSM. It will be a mix of informative sessions, combined with experience ‘from the field’ during the round table sessions.

The Forum offers a variety of useful ways to share views, raise questions and learn from other professionals in your sector – from our dedicated online members’ discussion forum, to various social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

Our website will be the place to go for access to the latest news and features about service management, together with a wide source of reference materials and publications.

Forum members have access – on privileged terms – to several leading frameworks and tools to assist them in their professional lives – including ITSM self-assessment and benchmarking, continual professional development, endorsement of training courses, and planning IT personnel skills.


Our sponsorship package offers you opportunities to maximize your organization’s presence in the industry through a relationship with itSMF Belgium. The packages provide an abundance of sponsor rights, benefits and other marketing and communication opportunities. We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to support ITSMF Belgium and take advantage of these exceptional marketing opportunities.

By taking part in our Sponsorship program you will…

Connect with IT Service Management Industry Leaders

Get a sponsor promotion corner at each event where they can offer flyers and gadget

Gain access to over 1000 Service Management professionals across Belgium

Maximize your marketing investment by supporting the advancements of IT Service Management

For more information, please send an email to info@itsmf.be

Multiple Payment possibilities available (Bank, Paypal, etc.)


Find all our memberships offers here
If you need help, more details or any further information, feel free to ask Lisa.



per year

Access to ‘member only’ events

Reduction on partner’s event

Reduction on training provided by partners

And much more

(Student Card Copy required)



per year

Access to ‘member only’ events

Reduction on partner’s event

Reduction on training provided by partners

And much more

invoice available


from €540.00

per year

Full access to 5 to 10 members of your organisation

Access to ‘member only’ events

Reduction on partner’s event

Reduction on training provided by partners

And much more


10% Reduction on CTG courses (AS, ITSM and Testing). Please check all courses: CTG Academy

Reduction on EMS courses. Please check all courses: IT Strategie & Organisatie, Projectmanagement and Corporate Performance Management

Vouchers for books, e-books in Van Haren Publishing catalog.

Temporary reduction of 10% on EHSAL Management School (EMS) courses: IT Strategie & Organisatie, Projectmanagement and Corporate Performance Management

itSMF Belgium is powered by SalesForce


Next year, we will be looking at elections for all positions in the itSMF Belgium chapter. But that does not keep us from making sure also in 2023 we will have a serious line-up of interesting events for the community. As we did before, it is not only about traditional informative events on service management anymore. The new dynamics in IT and the search for value creation, made us extend the horizon once more. We will incorporate themes from experience, behaviour, transformation and spiral dynamics….

Digital transformation is not only about the speed to market to deliver value; it is also about having the resources to enable the journey to get there. It is our ambition to provide our community with information to strengthen the odyssey, hence our search for relevant topics. It is our hope to connect, share and challenge, with thought provoking events and hands-on member workshops.

The team, which will make this all happen, brings in some serious Service Management competence. Who are they? Well, check their biography.

In the management team, we have:

Arnaud Delcroix


Arnaud Delcroix

I attended my first ITSMF Belgium event soon after I started working on ITSM projects around 15 years ago. Since then I went through all sorts of jobs and roles in the consulting business, from tooling development to process definition, to a management position.
I am eager to share stories, experiences and to continue to learn thanks to the dedication of the ITSMF Belgium Team. This is why, in January 2020, I joined the team in order to help grow our community, create more events and simply to support those persons who have given so much time to keep this organization going in the past years.

Philippe Delbeke



I am since almost 30 years in the IT world, and did many ITSM projects in many ITSM areas:  process and organisation setup, improvements and process execution, tools setup and development, ..

I learned to know ITIL in its version 2, and followed the expert road up to ITIL4.

Some long years ago I heard about the ITSMF Belgium chapter, attended some events, and decided to join the management team in 2010.

After some inactivity I joined this team again, some 2 years ago.

I am very pleased to enable the sharing of experience and knowledge through the organisation of the ITSMF events.

In the board, we have:

Eddy Peters



I am active in IT for almost 30 years. Over time the need for connecting people to improve delivery of the IT promise, became obvious. That led me in 2002 to the search and discovery of ITIL as my guide. My enthusiasm for what I learned and shared, extended my horizon towards process consultancy, itSMF membership,… up to where I am now. I have experienced every step in my career as a logical step. I am honored to be able to continue sharing and facilitate sharing as president of the Belgian itSMF chapter with this extraordinary team.

Luc Schmitz



My IT career has started before the supposed 2000 bug. I’ve enjoyed been specialist in Sniffer technologies for few years. Troubleshooting amazing and complex infrastructure with multiple probes, analyzing the layers and results with challenging customers was my thing.

My life became even brighter when I enrolled as ITSM consultancy, another challenge. I’ve jumped into ITIL library, from v2 to Expert v3, and now ITIL4. What a journey this was and still is!

Enterprise Architecture, Governance, processes and procedures. Sounds good!

I’m an itSMF member since 2014 and became member of the board in 2017. Why itSMF Belgium?

Probably because I am already part of many voluntary organizations, active in the disability sector.

In the world of disability, we try to break down the barriers imposed by this disability.

Breaking the silos between organizations, by organizing dance classes.

In itSMF, I’m trying to apply the same rules. No silos, no barriers. Sharing together! It gives me the satisfaction of being part of a community and making it better.

Together we believe we are up for the challenge and we are looking forward to provide you with a lot of brain food. Internally we improved our organization as well, resulting amongst other in a new website, www.itsmf.be  with a members-only section.

We are looking forward to meet you digitally and physically on one of the coming events (do check our website). Whatever the setting, let’s connect


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